Sunday, November 1, 2009


Ah, November is here again. It is always so welcome after the craziness that is October. October goes out with a bang including the school carnival and Halloween. I enjoy the costumes and the party frenzy but am so ready for the quiet peace that comes with November, the month of gratitude and thanksgiving.

I have started many years with a Thank Journal but have never made it through the whole year. Good intentions, but...My plan is to make my first on-line thank journal for just one month. Can I do it? Yes, I can! I begin by saying that I am thankful for November and the rhythm of the seasons and how they flow through the years.

Wishing anyone who reads this a blessed November and may you remember to give thanks for those blessings.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Syd -
You have such a nice way of expressing things; I agree wholeheartedly with you on your musings about November and the changing of the seasons....Linda