Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Life as a Reader/Writer

I am newsletter queen, writing school, church and public library newsletters. I publish all in both hard copy and email.

With all this newsletter experience, you’d think I could write a Christmas letter in my sleep. But after listening to Season’s Greetings to Our Friends and Family by David Sedaris, I’m somewhat hesitant to try. His parody of a Christmas letter was so disturbing that it’s hard for me to write something that might inspire someone to further satire a treasured holiday tradition.

My Christmas newsletter would answer the question, "What have I been reading?" I've read 37 books this year and am about to finish number 38. 20 mysteries, 5 humor and 5 inspiration/motivation, 3 adult book club titles, 2 nonfiction and 2 young adult books. My current book is a mystery, no surprise. Should I list the titles or make a top ten list?

The other side of my life is writing. I already mentioned my newsletters. I get a break form my weekly school newsletter in the summer and other school holidays. I do the church newsletter 52 weeks a year. The library newsletter is monthly. They keep me busy for sure, but not as busy as blogging. I am in the middle of my second month of daily blogging at NaBloPoMo.

I also have several blogs besides "Welcome to My World," the source of my NaBloPoMo fodder. I started a WordPress blog doing Bible verse commentary based on daily lectionary readings. I quit after a while because it was too depressing. I began in the midst of the prophets speaking doom and gloom. I still blog there every now and then. I also update my church blog, blog on my grandson's blog with my daughters, and blog at school with my students. Yo Ho Yo Ho the writing life for me.

I wonder if I could turn this post into a Christmas newsletter. Or maybe I'll just wait and do my annual Epiphany newsletter instead.


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