Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Advent Day 18

From my daily advent reading:

Thank you, God, that even when I feel empty and dry, I know that the springs of joy are there, buried deep within me. I ask you to tap those springs now, release them, and carry me away on their fullness

Thank you, O God, for joy.
  Joy that overcomes all else.
    Joy that is more powerful than the darkest powers.
      Joy that is more abundant than the waters in the seas.
        Joy that is mine.

This spoke to me this morning.

And some random things I've learned and experienced lately.

Every night before going to sleep, I read a section of the Common English New Testament on my Kindle. I'm in ACTS. I've been reading about Paul's evangelism and how he made as many people mad enough to kill him as he brought to salvation.  Paul was concerned about the Jewish Christians who wanted Gentile Christians to obey all the old Hebrew Laws (like circumcision).  Paul and some buddies came up with the basic things Christians need to do; are you ready?

ACTS 15:28-29: The Holy Spirit has led us to the decision that no burden should be placed on you other than these essentials: refuse food offered to idols, blood, the meat from strangled animals, and sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid such things. Farewell.

That's a lot easier than the big ten, don't you think?

At the Beth Moore Bible Study I've been going to, I learned the power of the spoken word. Praying out loud has a spiritual power that doesn't exist in silent prayer. She quoted from these scriptures; I can't say which ones are actually relevant to the power of speech.  But if you want to look them up, here they are: Joshua 1:8, Proverbs 18:21, Numbers 13:31-32 & 14:1-4 & 14:20-23, John 15:7-8, Romans 10: 8-10, Matthew 17:19-20 and Psalms 18:19.

Meanwhile, back to joy... Yesterday was Elder Day of Homecoming Spirit Week.  Elder Day, really?  I went as myself but I wore pearls and put my hair up in a bun.

In my last class of the day, a boy asked me, "Mrs. Perry, are you trying to look old?"

"Well, I'm not really trying, but yeah."

"I don't think you look old.  You never look old.  Except for maybe the pearls."

He nailed it and showered on me both emotional and spiritual joy.

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