Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent Day 1

The day before a week of extra work hours.

I felt somewhat crushed under the looming week ahead. The week includes hall duty for me, which means I spend the half hour before school and lunch hour making sure teenagers don't get into trouble. They never do, but somebody has to watch them. This week, it's my turn.

School ends at 3:30.  On Monday I will put out the school newsletter after school.  At 6:00 I have gate duty: taking money and giving tickets to people who want to watch the Jr. High Basketball games.

Monday work hours: 13 hours

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, I work at the public library from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Plus on Tuesday we have to come in to school 15 minutes early for a faculty meeting.

Tuesday work hours: 12 hours, 15 minutes

Wednesday work hours: 12 hours

On Thursday I will work on next week's newsletter after school.  I usually get it done by 6:00 p.m.

Thursday work hours: 10 hours

Friday, sweet Friday, I have nothing to do after school but whatever I want to do. I really hope to make it to the gym.  It's been a long time.

Friday work hours: 7 hours 30 minutes

Saturday is my regular Saturday at the public library.  I don't usually work Tuesday when I work Saturday, but this is an unusual, irregular week.

Saturday work hours: 8 hours (however I am at work for 9 hours)

Total work time this week: 62 hours and 45 minutes

I felt exhausted before ever getting started. Then a miracle happened.  We went to church and the preacher wished the kids, "Happy New Year!" The kids were confused but I understood, it's the first day of Advent, the beginning of a new church year.  A time of wonder and waiting. It's exciting and exhilarating.

Oh my, I'm energized.  I can take on this week with enthusiasm and anticipation. I can hardly wait to see how it unfolds.

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