Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advent Day 11

Carry these words with you today:
Stop, turn, look for God.

Maybe my constantly forgetting where I put something and therefore constantly looking for something is God's way of keeping Him on my mind.  I am constantly asking for his help to find whatever it is I'm looking for.  And then thanking Him when said item is located.

The theme in today's devotion is if you keep a look out for God you will be rewarded with many God sightings. I have a little different spin on it: if you live life, you'll have plenty of opportunities to call out for God's support.

Case in point, I have a class of 6 students in my pre-teaching class. My superintendent asked me if the class would "entertain" children on Monday night's parent night at school.  Parents go to break out session and we (my class & I) are providing child care consisting of games, crafts, and activities. I told the kids about it and here were there responses:

  1. I have to work on Monday after school until 10:00 p.m.
  2. I can't come because I am helping the FFA with the hot dog dinner for the parent night.
  3. I'll be staying at my mom's on Monday and I have to watch her two toddlers.
  4. My brother is having surgery on Monday and I don't know how long we are staying at the hospital.
  5. I'm not coming because I don't want to.
  6. If nothing comes up over the weekend, I'll be there.
I said a silent prayer.

Praise God for a good job, for kids who need His healing hand, for the opportunity to be a vessel for Him, and that He is always available.  Dear Lord, help me be more available to you.

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