Thursday, December 10, 2009

No Surprise

It isn't even Christmas yet and I'm going to blog about what I bought my daughters for Christmas and at the same time what I didn't buy them for Christmas.

It was black Friday and I ordered the QVC special value of the day. A purple Sylvania flip style camcorder for Mari, $29.68. I didn't know if Beth would like a blue one or a pink one (hard to tell what kind of pink it would really be). I figured at that price ($25.65 for the second and third cameras) I could get both and use the one that Beth didn't want at school.

These cameras don't have internal memory but use a standard SD card. That may be better than internal memory so I went ahead and bought accessories as well. For an extra $19.75 and then $16.75, I got carrying cases, 2 GB SD cards and packs of 2 AA batteries.

Oh yeah, I was excited. Expected delivery date, DEC 7. I printed and saved the receipt.

December 7 came and went. I wondered about it so I looked on the QVC web site. No record of me ever having ordered these cameras. WHAT?!? I checked my receipt. All looked good, so I called QVC. The guy asked me to give him my order number. When I found it on the receipt I knew things weren't good. The receipt number was just a bunch of zeroes. The guy told me that means the order didn't go through. Why not have verbiage saying, "Your order did not go through" instead of "Your order is complete, click here to view your receipt" with the order number 0000000000?

Needless to say, I'm annoyed and disappointed. Of course they don't have any more of these. They don't even sell them anywhere else. Nothing comes in a rainbow of color choices. And I can't find any flip style cameras anywhere close to that price. So this is what I did not get my daughters for Christmas, but I certainly meant to. Bummer!

1 comment:

Mari said...

Oh Gingie. That's a bummer. QVC isn't so great. Did they offer to give you a discount on anything or a future order? That stinks a bunch.